Sunday, December 5, 2010

Selimut Berdarah (2010) DVDRip - 350 Mb

Ria (Enno Lerian), girl who lived on the island, beautiful, simple and sexy. Her life changed since I first met with Dick (Dimaz Andrean), Through the Pink (Mambo), her sister Ria, Ria ask opinion to move forward. Pink or less agree, so anything with Rose (Korean artist) friend Ria.
Until one night Ria stuck in a bunch of children under the age of the intestines will be sold by the syndicate Rehman (Anand George). Ria managed to free them all! But to prove that Rehman was the mastermind of all it is not easy.
Dick eventually suffer short-term memories syndrome, in which he could only remember the time - / + 10 minutes with a random sequence of events.
A general practitioner who was taking nerve specialist who is very interested in physically Dick, Lena (Melina Zafar) a beautiful woman 27 years, smart, courageous and energetic. He's more interested when he learned from his mentor Professor (Roy Marten) that Dick was also suffering from a disease that will be analyzed as a case study thesis later. Lena does not own in the investigation, was helped by her best friend, Anga (Adhi Pawitra).

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Ria ( Enno Lerian),Gadis yang tinggal di pulau, cantik, sederhana dan sexy. Hidupnya berubah sejak pertama kali bertemu dengan Dicky (Dimaz andrean), Melalui Pinkan (Pinkan Mambo), kakaknya Ria, Ria meminta pendapat untuk melangkah kedepan. Pinkan kurang setuju, begitu pun dengan Mawar(artis korea) sahabat Ria.
Hingga suatu malam Ria terjebak dalam suatu gerombolan anak-anak di bawah umur yang ususnya akan di jual oleh sindikat Rehman (Ananda George). Ria berhasil membebaskan mereka semua! Namun untuk membuktikan bahwa Rehman adalah dalang dari semua itu tidaklah mudah.
Dicky akhirnya menderita short term memories syndrome, dimana dia hanya bisa mengingat dalam waktu -/+ 10 menit saja dengan urutan kejadian yang acak.
Seorang dokter umum yang sedang mengambil spesialis syaraf yang sangat tertarik dengan Dicky secara fisik, Lena(Melina Zafar) seorang wanita cantik 27 Tahun, pintar, pemberani dan enerjik. Dia semakin tertarik ketika mengetahui dari Profesor pembimbingnya(Roy Marten) bahwa Dicky juga mengidap penyakit yang akan dianalis sebagai bahan penelitian kasus skripsinya kemudian. Dalam penyelidikan Lena tidak sendiri, di bantu oleh sahabat karibnya, Angga(Adhi Pawitra).

Genre: Thriller
Pemain: Enno Lerian, Pinkan Mambo, (artis Korea), Roy Marten, Dimaz Andrean
Melina Zafar, Adhi Pawitra
Quality: DVDRip

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Server: Mediafire

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2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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