Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cyrus (2010) DVDRip - 375Mb

With John's social life at a standstill and his ex-wife about to get remarried, a down on his luck divorcée finally meets the woman of his dreams, only to discover she has another man in her life - her son. Still single seven years after the breakup of his marriage, John has all but given up on romance. But at the urging of his ex-wife and best friend Jamie, John grudgingly agrees to join her and her fiancé Tim at a party. To his and everyone else's surprise, he actually manages to meet someone: the gorgeous and spirited Molly. Their chemistry is immediate. The relationship takes off quickly but Molly is oddly reluctant to take the relationship beyond John's house. Perplexed, he follows her home and discovers the other man in Molly's life: her son, Cyrus. A 21-year-old new age musician, Cyrus is his mom's best friend and shares an unconventional relationship with her. Cyrus will go to any lengths to protect Molly and is definitely not ready to share her with anyone.

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Dengan kehidupan sosial Yohanes di berhenti dan mantan istrinya tentang untuk mendapatkan menikah lagi, yang di atas bercerai keberuntungannya akhirnya memenuhi wanita impiannya, hanya untuk menemukan dia pria lain dalam hidupnya - anaknya. Masih lajang tujuh tahun setelah pecahnya pernikahannya, John memiliki semua tetapi mengingat di percintaan. Tetapi pada desakan mantan istrinya dan sahabat Jamie, John enggan setuju untuk bergabung dengannya dan tunangan Tim di sebuah pesta. Untuk lain mengejutkan semua orang dan, dia benar-benar berhasil bertemu seseorang: yang Molly cantik dan bersemangat. kimia mereka langsung. Hubungan melepas cepat tetapi Molly aneh enggan untuk mengambil hubungan luar rumah John. Bingung, ia mengikuti rumahnya dan menemukan orang lain dalam hidup Molly: putranya, Cyrus. Sebuah musisi usia 21 tahun baru, Cyrus adalah teman ibunya terbaik dan saham hubungan yang tidak konvensional dengan dia. Cyrus akan pergi ke setiap panjang untuk melindungi Molly dan pasti belum siap untuk berbagi dengan siapa pun.

Release Date: 10 September 2010
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
Pemain: Cate Blanchett, Ben Whishaw
Quality: DVDRip
IMDB Rank: 7.1/10 (2,705 votes) 44 reviews

Reminder: CHECK all links before download | Credit to uploaders...

Server: Mediafire
(size 375Mb)

1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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