Friday, December 10, 2010

Rabbit Hole (2010) DVDScr 700Mb / 350Mb

Becca and Howie Corbett are a happily married couple whose perfect world is forever changed when their young son, Danny, is killed by a car. Becca, an executive-turned-stay-at-home mother, tries to redefine her existence in a surreal landscape of well-meaning family and friends. Painful, poignant, and often funny, Becca's experiences lead her to find solace in a mysterious relationship with a troubled young comic-book artist, Jason - the teenage driver of the car that killed Danny. Becca's fixation with Jason pulls her away from memories of Danny, while Howie immerses himself in the past, seeking refuge in outsiders who offer him something Becca is unable to give. The Corbetts, both adrift, make surprising and dangerous choices as they choose a path that will determine their fate.

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Becca dan Howie Corbett adalah pasangan menikah dengan bahagia yang sempurna dunia selamanya berubah ketika anak muda mereka, Danny, dibunuh oleh mobil. Becca, seorang eksekutif-berpaling-tinggal di ibu-rumah, mencoba untuk mendefinisikan kembali keberadaannya dalam lanskap surealis keluarga baik-makna dan teman-teman. Menyakitkan, pedih, dan sering lucu, pengalaman Becca membawanya untuk mencari hiburan dalam hubungan misterius dengan seniman komik-buku bermasalah muda, Jason - pengemudi remaja dari mobil yang menewaskan Danny. fiksasi Becca dengan Jason menarik menjauh dari kenangan Danny, sementara Howie menenggelamkan dirinya di masa lalu, mencari perlindungan di luar yang menawarkan sesuatu Becca tidak dapat memberi. The Corbetts, terpaut keduanya, membuat pilihan mengejutkan dan berbahaya karena mereka memilih jalan yang akan menentukan nasib mereka.
Release Date: 27 October 2010
Genre: Drama
Pemain: Nicole Kidman, Aaron Eckhart and Dianne Wiest
Quality: DVDSCR
IMDB Rank: 8.4/10 (381 votes) 6 reviews

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1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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