Friday, November 19, 2010

Rayuan Arwah Penasaran (2010) DVDRip - 700 Mb

Inspired by a true story about the Kuningan bomb tragedy, the story opens with a man who was broken hearted because her lover, Ria (Yuzuki) suddenly disappeared. Experienced heartbreak turned into depression. Because do not know where her lover, he eventually chose to pour out his heart in writing.
In this article, he recalled all the beautiful things she had done with Ria. The longer, he was worse off with the memory of a lost lover. The brother who saw her brother depression from a broken heart was filled with pity. But he could not do anything.
Because the mind of the brother who was always empty because of depression, he began to see things unseen around him. Not only see them finally get the terrors of 'another world' this.

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Diilhami oleh kisah nyata tentang tragedi bom Kuningan, cerita dibuka dengan seorang lelaki yang tengah patah hati karena sang kekasih, Ria (Yuzuki) tiba-tiba menghilang. Patah hati yang dialaminya berubah menjadi depresi. Karena tak tahu di mana sang kekasih, akhirnya ia memilih untuk mencurahkan isi hatinya lewat tulisan.
Di tulisan inilah, ia mengenang semua hal-hal indah yang pernah ia lakukan bersama Ria. Semakin lama, ia semakin terpuruk bersama kenangan akan kekasihnya yang hilang. Sang adik yang melihat kakaknya depresi akibat patah hati merasa iba. Tapi ia pun tak bisa melakukan apapun.
Karena pikiran sang kakak yang selalu kosong karena depresi, ia mulai melihat hal-hal gaib di sekelilingnya. Tak cuma melihat mereka berdua akhirnya mendapat teror-teror dari 'dunia lain' ini.

Release Date: 20 May 2010 (Indonesia)
Genre: Horror
Pemain: Yuzuki, Rahma Azhari, Putri Patricia, Andreano Philip, Dimas Andrean, Ananda George
Quality: DVDRip



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Server: Mediafire

1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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