Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Sebuah kompleks di tengah kampung mengalami kepanikan ketika muncul isyu bahwa ada pocong yang muncul setiap malam, mengetuk setiap pintu dari rumah ke rumah. Hal ini menimbulkan masalah pada berbagai pihak. Pak JAMAL (Indra Birowo) dan Istrinya, ASTRID (Indah Kalalo) marah karena rumah-rumah dalam kompleks tidak laku mereka jual.
Sementara jadwal affair pak Jamal dan tetangganya, BARBARA (CATHERINE WILSON) pun jadi kacau balau. Ada pula Rommy dan Angel pasangan baru di kompleks yang terus menerus gagal menikmati malam pertama karena takut didatangi pocongkk. Selain itu, sejumlah orang juga mencoba mengambil keuntungan dari heboh pocongkk keliling tersebut. MONIQUE, reporter tivi, dan kameramannya yang setia, AKBAR, berjuang meliput berita dan mendapatkan gambar pocongkk secara live, karena itu satu-satunya cara agar mereka berdua tidak dipecat. Terakhir, muncul pasangan pencuri konyol, BOMBAY dan ASBUN, yang mencoba dengan berbagai cara mengambil keuntungan dari situasi heboh tersebut.

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A complex in the middle of the village suffered a panic when it appeared that there pocong issues that arise every night, knock on every door from house to house. This raises the issue on various sides. Pak Jamal (Indra Birowo) and his wife, ASTRID (Beautiful Kalalo) angry because the houses in the complex did not sell they sell.
While the schedule affair pack Jamal and his neighbor, BARBARA (CATHERINE WILSON) was so chaotic. There is also Rommy and Angel new partner in the complex that continually fail to enjoy the first night for fear of being visited by pocongkk. In addition, a number of people also try to take advantage of such a scene pocongkk circumference. Monique, television reporter, and a faithful kameramannya, AKBAR, struggled covering the story and get the image pocongkk live, because it's the only way that they both do not get fired. Finally, the couple appear ridiculous thieves, BOMBAY and ASBUN, who tried in various ways to take advantage of the situation is excited.

Jenis Film : Horror/comedy
Produser : Ody Mulya Hidayat
Produksi : Maxima Pictures
Rating LSF : Dewasa (adult)
Pemain : Chaterine Wilson,Indah Kalalo,Donita, Indra Wibowo,Eric Scada
Sutradara : Viva Westi


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Server: Mediafire
1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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