Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pengantin Topeng (2010) DVDRip

RANDY (Hardy Hartono) dan ALEXA (Masayu Anastasia) akan menikah. Untuk menyambut hari bahagia itu, mereka mengajak teman – teman terdekatnya pergi berlibur. Mereka adalah BILLY (Gabriel Tabalujan), KINAR (Lolita Putri) dan ROSA (Adelia Rasya). Merekapun pergi berlibur ke pantai selatan di kawasan Jawa Barat. Sesampainya di pantai, Kinar, Rosa dan Billy langsung menghabiskan waktu hingga hari menjelang malam.

Ketika mereka bersiap-siap pulang ke hotel tiba-tiba mobil mereka mogok. Jarak ke hotel cukup jauh dan tidak ada kendaraan umum. Akhirnya tidak ada pilihan bagi mereka kecuali bermalam di pantai itu. Liburan yang awalnya tampak sempurna, berubah menjadi mimpi buruk. Pantai yang tampak indah di siang hari ternyata menyimpan misteri yang mengerikan. Teror berdarahpun mengincar ketika mereka masuk satu vila yang sudah lama tidak terpakai dan menemukan mayat didalamnya! Kelimanyapun terjebak dalam situasi mencekam ketika satu persatu dari mereka menjadi incaran pembunuh misterius bertopeng wayang putih dan membawa gunting rumput besar! Billy, Alexa, Randy, Kinar dan Rosa pun terpencar-pencar di tempat asing yang mengerikan demi berusaha untuk menyelamatkan diri. Apakah yang akan terjadi dengan kelima anak muda itu? Berhasilkah mereka selamat dari teror pembunuh sadis itu?

Diterjemahkan Oleh : Google

RANDY (Hardy Hartono) and ALEXA (Masayu Anastasia) is getting married. To welcome the happy days, they invite friends - best friend went on vacation. They are BILLY (Gabriel Tabalujan), Kinar (Lolita Princess) and ROSA (Adelia Rasya). And they went away on holiday to the south coast region of West Java. Arriving at the beach, Kinar, Rosa and Billy immediately spend time till today evening. When they get ready to go home to the hotel all of a sudden their car broke down. The distance to the hotel quite far and there is no public transportation. Finally, there is no choice for them except stay on the beach. Which initially seemed perfect vacation, turned into a nightmare. The beach looks beautiful in the daytime was a horrible mystery. Terror berdarahpun targeting when they entered a villa that had long been abandoned and found a body in it! Kelimanyapun stuck in a tense situation when each one of them the target of a mysterious masked killer puppet white and carrying a large grass shears! Billy, Alexa, Randy, Kinar and Rosa were scattered in a strange place that horrible for trying to save themselves. What will happen with a fifth young man? Did they survive the terror of the sadistic killer?

Release Date : 15 July 2010 (Indonesia)
Genres : Horror | Thriller
Country: Indonesia | Language: Indonesian
Cast : Masayu Anastasia,Hardy Hartono,Lolita Putri,Adelia Rasya,Gabriel Tabalujan,George Timothy


Reminder: CHECK all links before download | Credit to uploaders...

1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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