Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Family Guy Partial Terms of Endearment (2010) DVDRip

Attending her college reunion at Salve Regina University, Lois spots an old friend that she dated and experimented with, and points them out to Peter. Expecting a man to appear, Peter is shocked to discover that she had actually dated a woman, named Naomi Robinson, causing him to become extremely excited. Announcing that she would like to propose something to Lois and Peter, Naomi indicates that she would like to discuss something of importance with them at their home. Assuming he will participate in a three-way with his wife and Naomi, Peter throws Chris, Meg, Stewie and Brian out of the house. After Naomi arrives at the Griffin family home, she introduces her husband, Dale, with Peter still expecting to have sex with the group, and going on to try to seduce the three, dressed in various costumes. As the four decide to have a discussion in the family room, Peter is disappointed that they will not be participating in an orgy, causing Naomi to reveal she and her husband's difficulties in conceiving a child. Naomi then goes on to ask Lois if she will consider being the couple's surrogate, leading Lois to think over the matter.

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Menghadiri reuni kuliahnya di Salve Regina University, Lois spot seorang teman lama yang dia tanggal dan bereksperimen dengan, dan poin-poin mereka keluar untuk Peter. Mengharapkan manusia untuk muncul, Peter terkejut menemukan bahwa dia benar-benar tanggal seorang wanita, bernama Naomi Robinson, menyebabkan dia menjadi sangat bersemangat. Mengumumkan bahwa dia ingin mengusulkan sesuatu untuk Lois dan Peter, Naomi menunjukkan bahwa dia ingin membicarakan sesuatu yang penting dengan mereka di rumah mereka. Dengan asumsi ia akan berpartisipasi dalam cara tiga-dengan istrinya dan Naomi, Peter melempar Chris, Meg, Stewie dan Brian keluar dari rumah. Naomi Setelah tiba di rumah keluarga Griffin, dia memperkenalkan suaminya, Dale, dengan Peter masih mengharapkan berhubungan seks dengan kelompok, dan pergi untuk mencoba merayu tiga, mengenakan berbagai kostum. Sebagai empat memutuskan untuk melakukan percakapan di ruang keluarga, Peter kecewa bahwa mereka tidak akan berpartisipasi dalam pesta seks, menyebabkan Naomi mengungkapkan ia dan suaminya kesulitan dalam mengandung seorang anak. Naomi kemudian melanjutkan bertanya Lois apakah dia akan mempertimbangkan untuk menjadi pengganti pasangan itu, yang menyebabkan Lois untuk memikirkan masalah ini.

Size: 507.538 MB | Language: English | Subtitles: N/A
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Director: Joseph Lee|
Starring:Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein,Seth Green, Mila Kunis



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1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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