Friday, October 1, 2010

City Under Siege (2010) CN.DVDRip

Sunny (Aaron Kwok) is a clown in a circus act but he aspires to be a top performer just like his dad, The King of Flying Knife. While in Malaysia, Sunny and a few of his circus performer friends go for a treasure hunt, stumbling upon barrels of bio-chemicals left from the war. Upon returning, some of the members are mutating due to inhaling the bio-chemicals but Sunny seems fine from the exposure. They gain extraordinary superhuman powers. The leader of the entertainment outfit Chang Tai Chu (Colin Chou) decides to use this newfound strength to do evil. As there is an increase of crime in the city, the media and the police get involved. Kungfu master Suan Hou (Wu Jing) and policewoman Xin Hua (Zhang Jin Chu) enter the fray, while Angel (Shu Qi), a reporter who is recently demoted, also pursues the case in hopes of rescuing her flagging career.

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Sunny (Aaron Kwok) adalah seorang badut dalam suatu aksi sirkus tapi dia bercita-cita menjadi pemain atas hanya seperti ayahnya, The King of Flying Knife. Sedangkan di Malaysia, Sunny dan beberapa teman artis nya sirkus pergi untuk berburu harta karun, tersandung atas barel bio-kimia kiri dari perang. Setelah kembali, beberapa anggota yang bermutasi karena menghirup-bahan kimia bio tapi tampaknya Sunny halus dari eksposur tersebut. Mereka mendapatkan kekuatan super luar biasa. Pemimpin pakaian hiburan Chang Tai Chu (Colin Chou) memutuskan untuk menggunakan kekuatan baru ditemukan untuk berbuat jahat. Karena ada peningkatan kejahatan di kota, media dan polisi terlibat. Kungfu master Suan Hou (Wu Jing) dan polisi Hua Xin (Zhang Jin Chu) masuk keributan, sementara Angel (Shu Qi), seorang wartawan yang baru-baru ini diturunkan pangkatnya, juga mengejar kasus dengan harapan menyelamatkan karir lesu nya.



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1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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