Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An American Haunting (2005) DVDRip XviD

In 2006, in Red River, Tennessee, a teenager has frequent nightmares. Her mother reads an old letter from 1817 written by her ancestor, Lucy Bell. After a dispute of lands judged by the church, her husband John Bell is cursed by his opponent Kathe Batts, who has a fame of being a witch. From this moment on, an entity threatens John and her daughter Betsy Bell, attacking the girl during the nights. With the support of Betsy's school teacher Richard Powell, who tries to find rational explanations for the manifestation; her brother John Bell Jr.; and their friend James Johnston, who unsuccessfully tries to exorcize the entity from the house, the family does their best to protect Betsy in the haunted house.
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Pada tahun 2006, di Red River, Tennessee, remaja memiliki mimpi buruk sering. Ibunya membaca surat lama dari 1817 ditulis oleh leluhur, Lucy Bell. Setelah sengketa tanah dinilai oleh gereja, suaminya John Bell dikutuk oleh-Nya lawan Kathe Batts, yang memiliki ketenaran menjadi penyihir. Sejak saat ini pada, suatu entitas mengancam John dan putrinya Betsy Bell, menyerang gadis selama malam. Dengan dukungan guru sekolah Betsy Richard Powell, yang mencoba untuk menemukan penjelasan yang rasional untuk manifestasi; saudara laki-lakinya John Bell Jr, dan teman mereka James Johnston, yang gagal mencoba untuk mengusir entitas dari rumah, keluarga tidak mereka terbaik untuk melindungi Betsy di rumah hantu.

Size: 708.281 MB| Language: English | Subtitles: English
Genre: Horror | Mystery | Thriller | Director: Courtney Solomon| IMDB
Starring: Donald Sutherland, Sissy Spacek, James D’Arcy, Rachel Hurd-Wood
IMDB Rank : 4.9/10 (13,560 votes) 722 reviews




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3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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