Friday, October 22, 2010

Alpha and Omega (2010) DVD R5

In Jasper National Park, the wolves, Kate and Humphrey, have known each other since puppyhood, but they are on the oppose ends of the Western Pack's social structure with Kate as the energetic Alpha daughter of the pack leader and Humphrey being the good humoured Omega. That social structure forces Kate to accept an arranged marriage with Garth of the Eastern Pack to unite the packs for peace, regardless of Humphrey's hopeless attraction for her. Before that union can occur, Kate and Humphrey are captured by the park's rangers and sent to an Idaho park as part of a wolf repopulation project.
Mindful of her duties, Kate is determined to return to Jasper and Humphrey offers to help with the assistance of two odd geese. However, as this disparate pair struggle through the dangers to get home, a growing mutual appreciation of their talents and then a deeper love threatens to disastrously complicate everything if they make it back.

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Dalam Jasper National Park, serigala, Kate dan Humphrey, sudah saling kenal sejak puppyhood, tetapi mereka pada menentang ujung struktur sosial Pack Barat dengan Kate sebagai putri Alpha energik dari pemimpin pak dan Humphrey menjadi Omega periang baik . Bahwa struktur sosial memaksa Kate untuk menerima perjodohan dengan Garth dari Pack Timur untuk menyatukan paket untuk perdamaian, terlepas dari daya tarik putus asa Humphrey untuk dia. Sebelum serikat yang dapat terjadi, Kate dan Humphrey ditangkap oleh penjaga taman dan dikirim ke sebuah taman Idaho sebagai bagian dari proyek re-populasi serigala. Mengingat tugas, Kate bertekad untuk kembali ke Jasper dan Humphrey menawarkan untuk membantu dengan bantuan dua angsa aneh. Namun, seperti perjuangan pasangan berbeda melalui bahaya untuk mendapatkan rumah, saling menghargai bakat mereka berkembang dan kemudian cinta lebih dalam mengancam akan malapetaka menyulitkan segalanya jika mereka membuatnya kembali.

Directors:Anthony Bell, Ben Gluck
Writers:Chris Denk (screenplay), Steve Moore (screenplay)
Release Date:17 September 2010 (USA)
Users: 3.5/10 (558 votes) 21 reviews


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2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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