Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Secret Diary Of Miss Anne Lister (2010) DVDRip

In nineteenth century Yorkshire wealthy orphan Anne Lister lives with an aunt and uncle, anxious for her to marry well and blissfully - unaware that she is a lesbian. Anne is recording her thoughts and exploits in a coded diary. When her lover Mariana Belcombe makes a marriage of convenience to rich old Charles Lawton she feels betrayed and, although Mariana visits her,the relationship is going nowhere. Helped by old flame Tib she makes a play for innocent Miss Browne but sees she is barking up the wrong tree and diverts herself by renovating the family hall. A drunken Tib almost exposes her secret and scornful mine-owner Christopher Rawson, whose marriage proposal she rejects, tells her that her sexuality is a subject of local gossip.

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Pada abad kesembilan belas Yorkshire kaya Anne Lister yatim tinggal bersama seorang bibi dan paman, cemas menikah baik dan bahagia - tidak menyadari bahwa dia adalah lesbian. Anne adalah merekam pikiran dan eksploitasi dalam buku harian kode. Ketika kekasihnya Mariana Belcombe membuat perkawinan kenyamanan untuk kaya Charles Lawton lama ia merasa dikhianati dan, meskipun Mariana kunjungan nya, hubungan yang ke mana-mana. Dibantu oleh Tib api tua dia membuat bermain Browne Miss lugu tapi melihat dia menggonggong sampai pohon salah dan mengalihkan dirinya dengan merenovasi ruang keluarga. Sebuah Tib mabuk hampir mengekspos tambang rahasia dan mengejek dia pemilik Christopher Rawson, yang pernikahan proposal dia menolak, mengatakan kepadanya bahwa seksualitas dia adalah subjek gosip lokal.

IMDB Rank : 6.5/10 (158 votes) 3 reviews
Director :
James Kent
Writer :
Jane English
Release Date :
May 2010 (UK)



Server: Maknyos
( one File Size 700Mb , Login First )

Pass :

1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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