Saturday, September 25, 2010

Predators (2010) R5

Chosen for their ability to kill without conscience, a group of killers, some trained and some who are not, must endeavour the alien race of predators that have set out to target them as prey. Dropped into the vast jungle of a distant world, these human predators must learn just who, or what, they are up against, and that their ability, knowledge and wits are tested to the limits in the battle of survival of kill or be killed

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Dipilih untuk kemampuan mereka untuk membunuh tanpa hati nurani, sekelompok pembunuh, beberapa terlatih dan beberapa yang tidak, harus berusaha ras alien predator yang telah ditetapkan untuk menargetkan mereka sebagai mangsa. Jatuh ke hutan besar dunia yang jauh, predator ini manusia harus belajar siapa, atau apa, yang mereka hadapi, dan bahwa kemampuan, pengetahuan dan kecerdasan yang diuji untuk batas dalam pertempuran kelangsungan hidup membunuh atau dibunuh

Director :
Nimród Antal
Writers :
Alex Litvak, Michael Finch
Release Date :
7 July 2010 (Indonesia)
IMDB Rank : 6.9/10 (22,508 votes) 391 reviews



Server: Mediafire
( SIze 270 Mb, play with VLC Media Player )

jika IDM mu tidak langsung mendeteksi file ketika mengunduh, maka lakukan update setting pada IDM : bukalah IDM - pilih DOWNLOADS ( pada menu ) - pilih OPTION - pilih file Types - lalu ketikkan "RMVB RAR" ( tanpa tanda petik ) pada File List Box yang bertuliskan " Automatically start downloading the following file types : " - kemudian tekan OK - Selesai

If your IDM not directly detect the file when downloading, do the update settings on the IDM: IDM open - select DOWNLOADS (on the menu) - select OPTION - select File Types - then type "RMVB RAR" (without quotation marks) in the File List Box that reads "Automatically start downloading the Following file types:" - and press OK - Finished

Server : Maknyos
( Login First, Size 1,4Gb )

Pass :


Server : Maknyos
( Login First, Size 450Mb )

Pass :

1. Some files have ".rar" extension for which you require "7zip / WinRAR" to extract the movie.
2. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you require "FFSJ" to extract the movie.

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